Love on the road

Mongolian Girls: Dating & Relationship Guide

Mongolian girls generally don’t get a lot of attention, although I think they should. The tiny Asian country is landlocked and doesn’t receive that many foreign visitors.

As such, it can be difficult to know what to expect when heading to the country for a little dating apart from the regular exploring.

During my short, but eventful stint in Mongolia, I was more than pleased with the quality of women in the country. If you’re into Asian beauties, I have a feeling you will be, too.

What Are Mongolian Girls Like?

beautiful Mongolian girl

So let’s dive right in! You want to know about Mongolian girls. So what are they like?

Overall, I was impressed by their looks. While the women in Mongolia are not the tiny breed of Asian bird you’ll often find in Thailand or the Philippines, these girls were pretty fine overall.

These women will have broader bone structure throughout their hips, and even in the face.

Often, you’ll find unique mixes of Asian and Slavic genes. These mixes drove me crazy, and I’m sure you’ll love these gals, as well.

The unique features also came combined with bigger breasts and behinds than your average Asian girl. I was absolutely impressed!

Personality wise – you need to understand a little more about the culture of Mongolia. As descendants of Genghis Khan, these girls have some spunk to them.

While you’ll still find the submissive and caring side of Asian women in these girls, you’ll quickly realize that Mongolian women are fun-loving, feisty, and even a little aggressive. Oh, and some of these chicks could really drink!

Ulaanbaatar: The Only City to Spit Game in Mongolia

If you’re going to check out Mongolia with women in mind, then there’s only one city to set your sights on: Ulaanbaatar.

Mongolia is a tiny country. There are only three million people in all of Mongolia. Nearly half of them, almost 1.5 million people live in the capital – Ulaanbaatar. There’s not even another city in the whole country that has a population over 100,000.

Ulaanbaatar is the only place that offers you a good chance to date a Mongolian girl that is really special.

However, you’ll need airtight logistics to pull this off. Mongolian men can be violent and protective towards their ladies. You want to bounce girls from the bar or café back to your crib as fast as possible.

As such, I stayed around Sukhabaatar Square. This put me right in the heart of the city, and there was nightlife, bars, and cafes within walking distance.

For your first trip to Ulaanbaatar, this is where you want to be. You’ll have the best chance to bounce girls back to your apartment or hotel here without any issues. Prices are reasonable in the area, too.

Pro-Tip: As I was in the city during the summertime, I met some Mongolian girls returning home from their lives aboard.

They spoke great English and were fairly educated. If you’re coming to visit this city, make sure you do so during the summer months. You’ll have much better luck with the women.

How to Date Mongolian Girls

Alright, now we’re to the good stuff. It’s time to talk about dating and seducing women in Mongolia.

There are truly some stunning beauties in this country, and it surprised me. I plan to go back sometime soon, as the potential of this untapped market requires further exploration. Ahem.

On my short stay, I did learn a thing or two that can help you with Mongolian women. While it isn’t as easy to score here as in Southeast Asia, you’ll still have a lot of value as a Western guy traveling throughout Mongolia.

If you follow my methods below, you’ll give yourself a solid chance at grabbing the flag within one to two weeks. With a little luck, you could do a lot more damage than that here.

Follow this three-pronged approach to ensure you meet Mongolian girls in Ulaanbaatar…

1: Online Dating in Mongolia

While online dating is great in some country and so-so in others, you’ll definitely need online dating in Mongolia.

If you want to meet Mongolian girls, Asian Dating is probably the best and easiest ways to do it.

Online dating eliminates the chance that you’ll hit on a Mongolian dude’s girlfriend while he’s around and end up getting your ass beat. This is HUGE in the country.

While Mongolian women dig foreigners, you’ll run some risk when you run game in public here. Even if the girl is not taken, a man that might have interest in her too can become violent.

As such, make sure your profiles are up-to-date before you head to Ulaanbaatar and go for the safer route, which is online dating.

I met and dated some amazing girls in Mongolia on both Tinder and Asian Dating. The quality was fairly high, and the girls were keen to meet. It was a great time. Highly recommended and needed here!

Do not discount online dating in Mongolia.

2: Day Game in Mongolia

I didn’t hit day game too hard in Mongolia, but I did make some approaches and find some sweet spots.

As with all aspects of dating in the country, you need to be cognizant of jealous men when day gaming.

I never approached a girl who was even around another guy. I only talked to chicks who were walking alone or with a friend. I recommend you follow this plan, too.

The best places I found to day game were along Peace Avenue in the city center. Sukhabaatar Square was a decent area, as well.

For mall game, you should try the State Department Store, although I was a bit intimidated here. Shangri-La Centre was my favorite mall in Ulaanbaatar, as it was upscale. I had a few approaches here with girls, and they went quite well.

However, absolutely no one day games here. So the girls may be a little thrown off by your approach.

As such, I found an indirect/direct mix worked best. I’d open with the dumb tourist card and then change the topic quickly with some direct compliment. For example:

Open: “Excuse me, do you speak English? Do you know where I can find…?”

Her: Blah blah blah

Me: Ahh ok, perfect. That’s exactly what I needed. You’re a pretty good tour guide. So let me ask you – where would a pretty girl like yourself go out on a Saturday night here?

Sure, it’s not that smooth, but it might work. Expect most ladies to be not too receptive to this, though.

3: Night Game in Mongolia

The nightlife isn’t great here. It’s certainly not like Indonesia. But there are good times to be had.

Mongolians are suspicious about anyone not in their social circle when out at night. As such, you need to remember one thing:

Find a local or three to roll with.

This is essential when going out at night. Not only will you have better luck with the ladies in Mongolia by rolling in a group, but you’ll also stay safer.

A foreigner rolling solo is a prime target to get his ass beaten from super protective Mongolian guys.

That all said – there are some fun clubs in Ulaanbaatar. Nightlife in Ulaanbaatar is mainly broken down into two types of music: House/Techno or hip-hop.

If you don’t like these styles, then this may not be the place for you. As I only went out a few nights to creep, this guide isn’t comprehensive.

Although I did visit nearly half a dozen places during my trip and found a couple of solid spots.

If you’re in the city and interested in Ulaanbaatar nightlife, I’d recommend:

  • Great Khan Irish Bar: This should be your start to nearly every night out in Ulaanbaatar. The place is foreigner-friendly and giant. The chicks here are friendly as can be and the location is quite convenient. I was quite a fan, as this is my favorite bar in the city.

Other decent spots to check out include:

  • New Mass Club
  • Face Club
  • Metropolis

Bonus: Ulaanbaatar Nightlife Tips

These Ulaanbaatar nightlife tips will be less towards getting you a date and more towards keeping you safe. So let’s go:

  • Don’t go out alone. Always roll with friends.
  • Do not approach girls in groups where guys are present.
  • Never spam approach here. Always be a sniper. I’d be willing to bet you’ll get in a fight if you spam!
  • Stay tipsy. You don’t want to be drunk in Mongolia.
  • Don’t be confrontational. While you could probably take the guy in your face, his eight friends won’t allow you to win any fight.

Dating Mongolian Women

Alright, so you have some numbers from online, day game, and from a night or two out.

You’re ready to take some girls in Mongolia on dates and make them yours. Luckily, that’s pretty straightforward.

Here’s what you do:

  • Walk around your hotel or apartment when you arrive and scout out 2-3 bars and a coffee shop.
  • Invite girls for a drink. Make sure she does drink. I found 80-90% of Mongolian girls definitely interested in drinking.
  • Get 2-3 drinks in your Mongolian woman of choice, while keeping the PDA to a minimum. This is important here.
  • Suggest having wine back at your place.
  • Success! (If she agrees, of course!)

Pro-Tip: Make sure you rotate your bars and try not to let many people see you with more than one girl. Jealousy is rampant in this country. Going to a different bar with a different girl is a solid play.

Seduction, Dating, and More in Mongolia 

Overall, I was thoroughly impressed with the girls in Mongolia. You’ll find some sweet, but fun-loving girls in this country – all of them with incredible bodies.

I don’t doubt you’ll be able to find some fine Mongolian girls here. Best of luck and happy hunting!

Oh, and don’t forget to stay in a ger or yurt for at least one night! A worthwhile experience.

PS: To browse Mongolian girls, check out this website.

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Calin Ciabai

Living a location-independent lifestyle since 2008, I love to create content and manage websites. I write mainly about travel, video games, and health, but also other passions of mine. On Nomad Not Mad, I'm sharing all the knowledge I have gathered over all these years of traveling the world, the highs and lows, the beautiful places I visited, and all the disappointing ones as well.

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