Blogging Tips

The Joy of Being Self-Employed: Already Earned Five Times More than Last Year!

In case you don’t know that about me already, I am self employed since 2008. Back then, I decided that I will do my best not to ever work for anybody and especially never be part of the corporate hell after I realized that I waste the biggest chunk of my life (11 hours per day in my case, including commute time) working hard to put a ton of money in somebody else’s pockets.

Five years later I’m still holding strong and even though not doing as good as many bloggers who started 5 years ago, I am satisfied with how things are going.

One of the joys of self employment in my case (apart from the obvious “working in my pajamas, sometimes while laying in bed, sometimes taking a shower a 1 PM”) is the fact that hard work pays off… eventually.

In my case, there was a gradual growth and every year I managed to make more money than the past year – and this should be considered the golden rule of thumb in the case of self employment: as time goes, you’ll make more money.

However, if 2012 was for me an amazing year and I managed a couple of times to break the $2,000 in income generated by my blogs, 2013 is already better than anything I could’ve imagined or predicted.

The truth is that by now I have already earned more than five times more the amount I made during the entire year of 2012. How amazing is that?

So let’s get to checking out some numbers, because that is what matters:

In 2012 I made from blogging $23,070 or an average of $1922 per month. This clearly doesn’t sound like much for many, but for somebody living in Romania is enough to provide for their whole family and do it well!

In 2013, by the end of July, my blogging revenue stands at a whooping $78,331 or $11,190 per month.

I simply can’t believe it by looking at these numbers, they are absolutely amazing and it was all made by me and through my powers alone!

100% of my revenue comes from my own blogs. I have never freelanced, offered paid advice or coached anybody else – all the revenue in these 5 years came from my blogs alone.

Of course, before I get too excited, there’s an important thing to note: a big chunk of my revenue this year came from selling one of my blogs, the best performing one, so the numbers don’t really reflect my monthly income from advertising deals (but it’s still MY money!).

I will surely not be able to make over $10,000 per month by the end of the year and probably it will be a long while until I will get again at five figures per month.

However, I am confident that if I managed to get here once, I will manage to do it the second time too and hopefully do it better!

And if I managed to do this, you can do it too! This is the only reason why I am posting this: to let everybody know that self employment, even though risky and even though much more demanding than what people would expect, can be extremely rewarding.

Not just financially, even though this reason alone makes me jump with joy, but time-wise: you get the chance to spend more time with your family, you are closer to home and you can find some amazing friends online and meet other successfully self employed people from all around the world.

So if you have any doubts about self employment, no matter if you’re thinking about quitting your job or just started this long trip and things don’t seem to be working that good, I have one advice for you: be patient and get ready. Get ready for your success, because it will come!

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Calin Ciabai

Living a location-independent lifestyle since 2008, I love to create content and manage websites. I write mainly about travel, video games, and health, but also other passions of mine. On Nomad Not Mad, I'm sharing all the knowledge I have gathered over all these years of traveling the world, the highs and lows, the beautiful places I visited, and all the disappointing ones as well.

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