
This Is the Minimum and Average Salary in Sweden [2025 Update]

If you’re wondering how much you could get paid if you worked in Sweden, I’m here to help you out. Today, I’m sharing both the minimum salaray Swedish people make, as well as average wages in the country.

Quick Overview

While Sweden isn’t exactly handing out bags of cash, the salaries here are pretty great. If you don’t care about all the details I’m sharing below, here’s how things stand in 2025:

  • Minimum Salary in Sweden: 17,800 SEK/month (€1,550) take home
  • Average Salaryin Sweden: 31,500 SEK/month (€2,755) take home

Salaries are negotiated through unions rather than set by law, and even though they don’t fully manage to keep up with the increasing cost of living in the country, they’re solid enough to live comfortably.

Let’s get a bit more in-depth below and learn everything about the salaries and what to expect if you’re planning to come and work in Sweden this year.

What is the minimum wage in Sweden in 2025?

minimum salary in Sweden

The minimum take-home salary in Sweden is around 17,800 SEK/month (€1,550). There’s no official government-mandated minimum, but this is the minimum you should expect for working a full time job here.

The Swedish model relies on collective agreements to set fair wages and working conditions. These rates are negotiated by workers’ unions and agreed directly with the employer.

This system might seem strange if you’re used to strict minimum wage laws, but it works surprisingly well – not just in Sweden, but throughout Scandinavia as a whole. Either way, I consider this another extra reason to love Sweden.

Now, let’s be honest: earning the minimum in Sweden isn’t glamorous, but it’s not unbearable either. With 17,800 SEK a month, you can cover basic expenses like food and rent – especially if you share accommodation. You might not flying to Greece for weekend getaways, but you can live modestly without stressing too much over every grocery receipt.

Quick Tip: If you’re looking for more flexibility in your budget, aim to live outside major cities like Stockholm or Gothenburg. Smaller towns can offer lower rents, and the quality of life remains high.

If you want to compare salaries across the Scandinavian countries, I recommend taking a look at my other articles below:

What is the average wage in Sweden in 2025?

average salary sweden

The average take-home salary in Sweden is a comfortable 31,500 SEK (€2,755) per month, after taxes. This is a comfortable amount to live on, and one of the highest average salaries in the EU (you can check out all average wages in the European Union here).

Compared to the previous few years, the average salaries earned by people working in Sweden haven’t increased a lot – they’ve been pretty much flat throughout 2024 and 2025 so far.

But overall, the numbers are still some €600 more than what Swedes were earning back in 2019, which is a nice amount that at least keeps up with the increased inflation.

Just like everywhere in the world, not all jobs in Sweden are created equal. If you’re in finance, tech, or medicine, your paycheck could dwarf the average. PR managers and specialist doctors are known to rake it in, while roles like cashier or berry picker (yes, that’s a real thing here) pay less. It’s all about your field, experience, and skills.

But no matter what you do, earning a full time income in Sweden will guarantee at least a decent life.

Also, wages tend to be slightly higher in cities such as Stockholm and municipalities such as Danderyd, Lidingo, Taby and Vellinge, and lower in municipalities such as Arjang or Eda.

How Sweden Compares to Its Neighbors

If you’re curious about how Sweden measures up, here’s a quick glance at the average monthly net salaries in nearby countries:

  • Denmark: ~€4,300
  • Norway: ~€3,500
  • Finland: ~€2,500

Sweden doesn’t top the chart, but it’s holding strong. Plus, the work-life balance, strong social safety net, and general happiness levels might make you forget about a few hundred euros (and the cold weather here).

Plus, you might get to work less, depending on your field. Starting mid-2024, some Swedish companies have started experimenting with the 4-day workweek. If this becomes a thing, you’ll end up working less than the regular 40-hour weeks, but still earn a decent income. AND actually have the time to enjoy the money earned.


Living and working in Sweden is an experience, especially if you’re drawn to its progressive policies, scenic landscapes… and cinnamon buns. Of course, we have no complaints about the Swedish women (or men here, for that matter).

Jokes aside, it’s true that salaried here won’t necessarily make you feel like royalty, but they’re solid enough to support a comfortable lifestyle. And the benefits (free healthcare and education, anyone?) are the icing on the cake.

Sweden is amongst the most well-developed countries in Europe, and a great choice if you decide to move and work here, as the minimum and average salaries in the country prove.

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And if you end up finding your love here and start a family, prepare in advance by checking out these Swedish girl names with meanings.

Now, it’s your turn – if you have insights, experiences, or tips about working in Sweden, drop them in the comments. Let’s make this guide even better together!


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Calin Ciabai

Living a location-independent lifestyle since 2008, I love to create content and manage websites. I write mainly about travel, video games, and health, but also other passions of mine. On Nomad Not Mad, I'm sharing all the knowledge I have gathered over all these years of traveling the world, the highs and lows, the beautiful places I visited, and all the disappointing ones as well.

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    1. The websites quoted in the article, as well as personal experience.

      It would be a lot more useful if you actually shared the numbers you consider correct in order to make this article better or at least offer a different perspective, to help people interested in the matter.

  1. I would like to know what kind of job gives you 43 000 ish? Honestly, most people get 28-38 000 (before taxes).

    And my job is minimum wage apparently 🤪

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