The Ultimate Guide to Icelandic Women

Iceland is more than just your favorite hipster travel destination. While this amazing place has plenty to offer even if we overlook the women, today we’re here to learn more about them and help you get them. Easy!
Icelandic women are stunning, hands-down, even though they pretty much live in the middle of a beautiful nowhere.
This is your ultimate guide to dating them and learning everything you can before actually meeting a girl in Iceland.
And the first thing would be finding some solid accommodation – I’ve got you covered with this guide to the best hostels in Iceland.
Sadly, Iceland Will Not Pay You To Marry Them
The myth that Iceland would pay $5,000 month to foreigners willing to marry their women has been going around the Internet years ago, and it keeps resurfacing every now and then.
While I do hope that you guys are a tad smarter than the people who believe it, let’s still bust this ‘urban’ legend once and for all.
No, nobody will pay you to date and marry Icelandic women!
To be honest, though, there is no need for more incentive than how beautiful and generally awesome these ladies are.
The rumor started around June 2016 and at one point became so wide-spread that the authorities had to make official statements and let everybody know that it wasn’t true.
So that is it for the $5,000/month to marry an Icelandic woman. There are many perks to dating and marrying one, of course, but the money is (sadly) not one of them. Let’s check the others, though!
Meeting Icelandic Women Through Social Media
A few days ago, a friend of mine got a pretty fun Facebook message. Basically, this guy (who she didn’t know at all) was visiting our city for the first time and he asked her to show him around.
In normal circumstances, this would have been a bit weird. But this particular message did not seem anything but fun and maybe a bit risqué, without the guy risking any rejection at all.
Why am I telling you this? Well, it could be a surprisingly awesome strategy for meeting Icelandic women. Now, there are two types of guys that message girls they don’t know:
- Socially awkward (in a bad way)/ unattractive/ catfish-y/ much, much older dudes.
- Fun, “I am giving this a go for giggles” guys.
The first get an instant rejection, while the second at least get the benefit of the doubt. Of course, out of, say 20 girls you message, maybe 1 or 2 would even respond.
It’s a numbers game, so I recommend writing yourself a template message and just switching up the names.
Keep it short, sweet, and normal-sounding. No ‘hi, Monica Belucci lady, I fall in love, sweet beauty, marry me?’.
The reason why this is a winning strategy for finding Icelandic women is they can be pretty hard to approach in real life.
While I would not recommend using only social media to meet them, it is definitely a rejection-proof method you can try out.
And even easier is to try to meet them online via a dating website – it’s obvious that they are there for this reason alone.
Best method to meet Icelandic women
Of course, there are much easier (and probably better) ways to meet these beauties.
The best choice for you is International Cupid – there are a lot of ladies actively looking to meet guys there and the fact that you have to pay to send her a message (one of you has to be a paying member, it means that the competition is much lower too) is already a big bonus for you.
In other words, less competition and you know for sure that you’re messaging a girl who’s actually looking for a relationship. It’s the easiest, most sure-fire way to approach things.
It might seem so old school and outdated, but this is exactly why this still works: fewer males are there to offer competition, while the amount of ladies is still more than decent. Just give it a try and you’ll see for yourself!
Girls in Iceland Are All About Equality
…but not in a cringy way. On the contrary!
Iceland is one of the countries where people are the most no-drama about public breastfeeding, abortion, being childfree, choosing career over family etc.
In general, you will notice that there is much less controversy around these issues in Europe, as opposed to the States.
The nice thing about people being so pro-gender equality (which, by the way, why wouldn’t you be… I am asking as an European, a.k.a. someone not well-versed in American culture and politics), is that you don’t get as many extreme feminists.
From my experience, a society that is so many steps ahead in terms of normalizing women’s life choices and their right to do whatever the heck they want simply has no need for militant activists. Thus, neither feminazis nor extreme conservators are common in Iceland.
Don’t Expect Total Submission!
A place which has topped the World Economic Forum’s gender gap index every year for the last seven years and that the Economist named the world’s best place for working women, is definitely not your best destination for submissive, old-fashioned ladies.
Today, Iceland is way ahead of the gender equality game.
And it all started with a protest / strike in October of 1975. Not only did a fifth of the country’s population come out and march for female rights, 90% of the women in the country went on work and domestic strike. The message they were trying to convey?
Women are crucial to the country’s prosperity (or even existence) and it is about time they got the rights and power that corresponded them. Those were the mothers and grandmothers of today’s young Icelandic women.
From a very young age, these girls have been raised to believe they are strong, independent, and that they deserve to have power in the community.
And it’s absolutely perfect this way. If you have only dated the submissive kind so far (think Thai girls or Pinoy ladies), you will be in for a massive and pleasant surprise after meeting your partner in Iceland. Women here are independent and strong-willed.
Pick Up the Politically Correct Way
Icelandic women can come across as a bit too full of themselves, especially to foreigners. It’s similar to all of the Nordic countries, it seems, as I was just saying the exact same thing about Norwegian girls.
So when your plane lands in Reykjavik and you first set foot on Icelandic soil, the different attitude is a bit of a culture shock.
Here is the uncomfortable truth: Icelandic women behave like men. This is both good and bad.
They are assertive, they are not afraid of taking the lead, and they are definitely not all about looks and pleasing dudes (or girls, if they swing that way).
Don’t expect to just go out there, sit on a chair in a bar and have ladies flock around you, trying to make you their own, despite what some urban legends might have you believe.
They still like the men to take initiative, but if they have strong feelings, they won’t waste an opportunity just because you’re not acting first.
Confidence, Confidence, Confidence
There is no denying that Icelandic women are confident. The same goes about Icelandic men, but that’s a different article / topic.
If you want to impress them, being a doormat is not your strategy. In fact, you can approach meeting Icelandic women as you would networking at a professional event.
You want to be assertive and secure with yourself for people to respect you. Same goes for meeting and dating Icelandic girls.
On Night Clubs and Casual Flings
You might have guessed it by now that just like other gender issues, “reputation” and “being the good girl” are not a concern for Icelandic women, nor something that they would be judged upon by others.
At. All.
That means that drunken hookups are pretty much the norm and virtually everyone does them. It would be a bit of an overstatement to say that girls don’t get the frowns for this, though.
Iceland is a tiny country with tiny towns. She probably runs into ex-boyfriends or lovers on a daily basis.
But if the one-night stand is your thing, your foreigner status is, in fact, an advantage. Privacy is always a good thing when it comes to casual relationships.
As a tourist, yes, you might not have the appeal of speaking her language or knowing her culture (which are mostly boyfriend requirements, by the way), but you definitely get extra points for the ‘anonymity’.
Also, depending on where you come from, she might even consider you exotic. Tell her about your hometown or your travels. It is one of the safest conversation topics that still allows for tension.
Icelandic Women Definitely Know How To Have Fun
The Icelander spirit is very much Carpe Diem (and Carpe Noctem, too). Dating an Icelandic woman will be anything but dull. For such a small place, Iceland has a lot of fun to offer.
The cool thing is that people are super laid-back about letting go and having guilt-free fun (hence the frequency of one-night stands).
Equality ‘creeps in’ as well but in the best way possible. Girls would buy you drinks. Yes, absolutely they will.
Of course, buying someone a drink does not carry the same message as it would in the U.S. or in other European countries.
Icelandic people simply love to go out, dance and get drunk while making new friends.
The clubs are positively crowded, even on weeknights, and the alcohol flows. If a girl buys you a drink it means little more than she likes you and is being friendly.
Where I am from, a girl treating a dude to a drink would pretty much equal her offering herself to him.
And not in a good way, but more in a desperate one too. Well, hammer that out of your head and enjoy the party if you’re going to Iceland!
Once you are dating an Icelandic girl, the fun does not have to stop, either. As I might have mentioned (a hundred million times) in this article, Icelandic women value their independence.
Icelandic Women: Wrapping Up
Much like other Nordic women, Icelandic girls are self-assured and independent. They are also gorgeous and a lot of fun, and they also don’t really care if foreigners would like to date and marry them. It’s pretty much take it or leave it.
Which is a good thing, after all. We all love independent women and in my opinion, these girls should be taken as an example for the world.
What do you think about girls in Iceland? Share your thoughts in the comment section below!
I would love to come and visit and see your country I am from the US thanks Ronnie.
I am glad to read and summarize this information for my upcoming blog post: “Icelandic Women versus Jamaican Women”.
I generally agree with you in this, the woman shouldn’t be a commodity for sale or exploitation
Hello Ronnie,nice meeting you here.
Ladies are Intelligent, interesting, gorgeous. Hope to visit your beautiful country in future.
I’m traveling to Reykjavik Iceland alone in October.