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Canadian Women Relationship Guide: What to Expect

Canadian women are a true gem when it comes to relationships. Today, we’re destroying some stereotypes and letting you know the truth about Canadian girls and especially what to expect from a relationship with one.

After all, Canada is a multicultural and diverse country. Even if it’s comprised of several ethnicities, its residents share similar cultural characteristics that make them Canadian. So dating in Canada doesn’t have to be (and it isn’t) difficult.

Since women in Canada are friendly and outgoing, it won’t be as difficult with them as it is in other parts of the world. Sure, they might appear a bit shy or cold at first, but once you get to know them, you’re in for a good partner.

Canadians are very open-minded, understanding, and fun – both the women and the men in Canada, but today we’re focusing on the former, so let’s get a bit more in depth with this!

The Blonde Canadian Girl Stereotype

blonde Canadian girl

The stereotypical view of Canadians might be tall, slim, blonde girls. Although white women can be Canadian, not all Canadians are white.

Being a multicultural place, expect the people to be of different body types, facial features, and well, race.

The most important thing is to not assume that because they aren’t blond, they aren’t Canadian.

Current and previous immigration is completely normal and we’ve seen a diversity of hair colors in countries that were expected to be otherwise – the Swedish blonde girl comes to mind, for example (with more and more natural brunettes present in Sweden each day).

But back to Canada, know that multiculturalism is an advantage you might have if you’re not a local.

Because these girls come from different backgrounds – and are accustomed to meeting and interacting with people from all over the world – it’ll be more likely they’re willing to date out of their country.

Canadian women are independent

woman holding Canada flag

Women can do it all, and there’s no denying it. Canadian know this all too well and as a result, they’re really independent and strong willed.

When looking for a man, they don’t want someone to “save” them like the knight in white armor or to shower them with compliments and outdated behavior.

Equality is key when it comes to Canadian girls. They’re the stars of their lives, and they’re just looking for someone to share it with.

You have to get used to this – but also squeeze in a bit of chivalry and old school romance, like Italian men do. Don’t go over the top, but know that opening a door here and there and telling her how beautiful she is, every now and then, will go a long way.

Sure, Canadian women can handle themselves without any help and they do. But this doesn’t mean they want their partner to laze around while they do everything.

If the lady says she can change the tire of her car all by herself, then she can! If the lady says you need to help her with the dishes, then you do it. Relationships with them are all about cooperation.

Best place to meet Canadian women

The best place to meet girls from Canada is… online! Head over to a premium dating website like this one here – it has tradition, plenty of active users and all the ladies there are actively looking for a relationship.

And since this is a premium website, the competition is limited compared to free services (like Tinder or other), so it’s definitely a win-win situation. Online might seem old school, but you’ll be surprised with how solid of an option it still is!

Read Between the Lines

When starting to date a woman from Canada, you need to learn to take hints and well, read between the lines.

Canadians are very polite, so they aren’t going to outright say ‘no’ if they don’t want to date. At the same time, they will usually try to be very diplomatic with anything they say, so always focus on “translating” their words and getting the deeper meaning.

This is the same for the opposite. Women aren’t going to directly accept they’re interested or flirt shamelessly.

In the beginning, this might be a little confusing, but we already know that women from all over the world tend to like to mess up with our heads.

Just keep pushing (without pushing too hard, in case she’s not interested) and look for the traditional signs that she’s interested.

With time, you’ll be able to identify the clues that let you know their thoughts. After all, they’re not all as easy to read as the beautiful Texas women are, unfortunately…

Canadian Women Appreciate Good Humor

independent Canadian girl

Even if Canadian women appear to be too serious at first, they have a great sense of humor.

The way into their hearts is with a few good jokes. The ladies know how to have a great time, and they’ll appreciate it if you do too.

One doesn’t have to be a master of comedy, so don’t worry too much about it. Take humor as an asset to get the girl to like you even more.

Nevertheless, if the joke is too distasteful, rude, or dark, better avoid saying it altogether.

Anything that’s not politically correct shouldn’t be part of your repertoire – at least not until you are 100% sure she would appreciate it.

Honest Communication

In every good relationship, honest, good communication is key for it to flourish. This is especially important for Canadian women.

They expect their partners to be direct once in the relationship and, especially, honest.

Expectations, fears, feelings, and plans need to be shared with mutual respect and truth. If one wishes for marriage and kids, it’s important to establish it head-on.

Maybe their partner doesn’t want the same things. Hiding information like this could hurt the connection.

Especially if you’re looking at non-exclusive types of arrangements. Some might accept them, since Canadian women are very open minded, but most prefer monogamy once the relationship is more serious.

Reading between the lines when flirting doesn’t translate to doing the same once the couple is together.

Multi-Facet Ladies

outdoorsy Canadian woman

Canadian Women especially can be really interested in social and political activities. They believe the community and country are matters overseen by everyone.

Thus, don’t be surprised if she wishes to participate in these sorts of discussions or movements.

Likewise, given the natural environment within Canada, they can be deeply conscious about the environment.

Not only if it comes to ecological movements, but also when discussing sports and outdoor activities. So make sure to read my article sharing the top things to do in Halifax, Nova Scotia, in case you need some ideas.

The next time the hockey match is on TV, don’t be shy to ask a Canadian girl to watch it with you – most of them are big fans of the sport. Probably bigger fans than you are!

It’s important to consider that every girl has their likes and dislikes though. A potential partner needs to learn their pastimes in order to get to know them.

No matter which one is their preferred hobby, Canadian girls are very passionate when it comes to them. The best way to click is by sharing those interests with one another.

Top Tips for Dating women in and from Canada

Canadian couple

Now, even though you already know what to expect from them and what makes them tick, let’s check out 5 quick tips that will help you get the most out of a date with a Canadian girl!

1. No Dark Jokes

Remember: Canadian women aren’t overly fond of a man badmouthing the country, politics, feminism, culture, or diversity. So, be careful of what you say, even if it’s just a joke.

2. Don’t Hate the Weather

Canadians might make jokes about the cold and gloomy weather sometimes. That doesn’t mean they hate it. It’s ok to say it’s too cold, though if you show your clear distaste, they might not like that.

3. Always Be on Time!

Punctuality is important when going on your dates. They are very polite, and being late isn’t.

4. Respect Her Limits

When you start dating, it’s important to understand the limits of eye contact, touch, and flirting. You don’t want to seem too forward, but you also need to show your interest.

5. Don’t be pushy

As Canadian women are independent and strong willed, they don’t really like men that are too pushy. If she likes you, she will send you the signs.

But also know to read those that mean rejection and take it to the chin. After all, there’s plenty to choose from if this particular one doesn’t rhyme well with you.

Final words

Canadian women are a true hidden gem if you give yourself the time to look for one and treat her right. They can be the best of partners as well as the best of friends.

You won’t be disappointed dating a Canadian beauty, that is a fact. And if you have your own set of thoughts and opinions about ladies in Canada, don’t hesitate to let us all know about them by commenting below.

The more options we have, the better. And if you’re looking for exactly this – options – to impress your newly found love in Canada, why not consider taking her on a trip to one of these best romantic destinations in the US?

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Calin Ciabai

Living a location-independent lifestyle since 2008, I love to create content and manage websites. I write mainly about travel, video games, and health, but also other passions of mine. On Nomad Not Mad, I'm sharing all the knowledge I have gathered over all these years of traveling the world, the highs and lows, the beautiful places I visited, and all the disappointing ones as well.

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