7 Things to Know about Indonesian Girls [IMPORTANT!]

Indonesian girls are the true dark horses when Asian women are the subjects at hand.
Underrated, unknown, and undiscovered – most men know nothing about these beautiful women, especially when taking the special Balinese girls out of the mix.
Luckily, I dug a little deeper. After spending some time in the country, I can tell you the women in Indonesia are a special breed. Sure, they’re not perfect, but I’m definitely one of their biggest fans.
Looking to learn a little more about Indonesian women before heading there? You’re at the right place, so make sure to read this entire article!
Here are seven interesting observations about women in Indonesia.
1. Curviest Asian Girls
Indonesian girls might not be as curvy as Colombian, Dominican, or Brazilian girls – in fact, they don’t even come close in most cases.
But when you compare the ladies here to Thai girls or Chinese girls, most find them to have fuller busts and are generally curvier.
So if you’re a man who prefers this physical appearance trait, then Indonesia may be the best country in Asia for your needs and wants.
And don’t get too concerned – if you like your women a little skinnier, you can still find taller, model types throughout the country, especially in Jakarta.
2. They are friendly towards foreigners
I try to keep it real around here. White men of foreign descent should have a solid dating life in Indonesia, especially in Jakarta. Actually, any foreign guy should kill it here.
Indonesian girls love “Bule” more than most. In Indonesia, the word “Bule” means foreign man.
Put simply – if you’re from out of town and are not a real prick, you should receive a solid amount of attention from the girls in Jakarta and other Indonesian cities.
P.S: Don’t take my word for it! Click here and find out for yourself before you arrive.
3. The Jilbab Factor of Indonesian Girls
The vast majority of Indonesian girls are going to be Muslims. This is just the way it is.
You may be thinking the religious factor could hinder your dating hopes as a traveler. And you’d be wrong. No matter their religious beliefs, women in Indonesia are always curious about the foreign man.
Even girls wearing a burka, hijab, or as it’s commonly referred to in Indonesia, a jilbab will be open to meeting men, as long as the person they’re meeting is a decent human being.
Many only wear the attire to please family members or ward off unwanted attention from other men, but if you take your chances, you can get lucky.
Don’t be too pushy though. Some might be more religious and traditional in thinking than others. If a girl says no, or if she gives you clear signs that she’s not interested, simply step away. Always respect their culture!
4. Party Girls Galore
On the opposite side of the spectrum, we have my personal favorite type of Indonesian girls – the party girls.
If you haven’t heard yet, nightlife in Jakarta and Bali is absolutely off the chain. In terms of high-end nightlife, Jakarta may have one of the better scenes in all of Asia.
And with the great nightlife comes some amazing party girls. These are more liberal girls who often love to dance, drink, and have a great time and lots of fun, generally.
They’ll look dashing from head to toe on a night on the town. Just remember, though: if they dress to impress, it doesn’t necessarily mean that they want anything more than dance and have a good time.
So the same thing as above applies: approach with caution and if she says “No,” walk away. Never be too pushy here as girls who are interested in you will rarely play hard to get as they do in other countries.
5. Variety is the Spice of Life
In certain countries, you’ll only be able to date one type of girls.
In Thailand, you’ll be dating Thai women. Check out my Thai Cupid review to get a head start.
In Ukraine, you’ll probably find yourself in a relationship with a Ukrainian girl. In Colombia, you’re going to be seeing Colombianas. You understand where I’m going.
In Indonesia, you get a little more selection due to the genetic makeup of the populace.
You can find Indonesian-looking, Arab-looking, and Chinese-looking girls in Jakarta. Balinese girls also have a distinct look. Plus, you’ll meet chicks from all over the religious spectrum.
Muslims, Catholics, Atheists, and even Hindu women can all be found while living and traveling in Indonesia.
6. The Speech is Coming
One interesting note about Indonesian culture I made while living in Jakarta was how often I got the “speech” from Indonesian women.
It can and probably will happen early on in your relationship. She’ll just stop out of the blue and give you “the speech”.
The first time it happened I was baffled, but eventually I learned what was coming. It goes something like this:
“Generally bule are this, this, and this. They are bad, and so on. Girls in Indonesia – herself included – are shy and special and she’s not going to just go for an ONS with any guy she meets.“
Then we would proceed with our normal life after she got the speech out of her system. Is something that they have to tell you – and something you have to appreciate when they do. It’s just the way it is.
There are a lot of cultural stigmas surrounding intimate relations in Indonesia still, even in big cities like Jakarta. Understand that even if Indonesian girls are thinking this, it doesn’t mean that they don’t like you or even love you.
7. Fun Loving Girls
One thing I grew to love about women in Indonesia was their fun loving nature. Girls just want to have fun, as the song says. And they’re always smiling, always nice to be around. You’ll be very happy around them, I guarantee that!
Girls in Jakarta love to party and have fun (Well, at least some of them) and probably the same goes about girls throughout the country.
Even the religious ones still love to have fun and they’re really great company.
When dating girls in Indonesia, you should be giving off a fun loving vibe too. Leave the mysterious alpha male stuff behind you and in the Western world. Here, you should be yourself, be a genuine, decent person and you should be OK.
Bonus Tip: Always Ask For Additional Pictures
I may have made Indonesia sound like a wonderful place for a man to date some fine Indonesia women. It definitely is, but no place is perfect.
Online dating can be amazing in Indonesia, but you have to be careful with it. Filters and angles are a reality here too.
When using online dating in Indonesia, you ALWAYS want to ask for additional photos and possibly get their social media accounts. Or, even better, get them on camera at least for a few seconds.
There are some super nice girls using these sites in Jakarta, but there are also some girls who don’t look anything like their photos.
I had many instances my first few weeks in Jakarta where a girl shows up to a date looking frumpy, but she had looked like a legit model on her Tinder profile. Don’t let this happen to you!
Ask for more photos or, ideally, get her on camera to say hello. This would save you from a lot of trouble and embarrassment – it’s horrible to open the door and have no idea who the person in front of you is.
P.S: The best online dating sites in Jakarta are Indonesian Cupid and Tinder. For shorter trips, using both is an absolute must!