Serbian Women: Must Know Secrets Before You Start Dating Them

Ah, Belgrade and Serbian women. Party all night and mingle with Balkan beauties until the sun rises, right?
That is indeed correct for the most part and today I’m sharing my thoughts on women from Serbia, what are they like and what do they like so you can easily know what to expect when dating one.
Regular readers of travel blogs and trip reports have surely come across various articles hailing Belgrade as the “Number 1 party city in Europe”, “Ultimate Nightlife Experience” – among many other made-up awards and buzzwords.
Now, this is neither totally true nor totally false. A city is ultimately the sum of all its building blocks: people, culture, geography and lifestyle.
You can’t just isolate one of those aspects and base a city’s whole identity around it – that’ll lead you to an inability to truly understand and enjoy the place, along with crushed expectations.
Yup, just like a lot of people feel after a trip to Paris and realize the “dream destination” they were so fired up to experience doesn’t exist.
(Unless you’re under 10 and make it to Disneyland, that is).
However, explaining a place like Belgrade requires context. Unlike the mainstream travel writers who yell ‘Partaay!’ or the geekson forums telling you ‘Beautiful Serbian women everywhere bro’, this article will give context, insider tips and proper information regarding the city of Belgrade and of course – Serbian women.
How to meet Serbian Women
If you understand that seducing these women will not be an easy feat, but you’re ready to go in for the kill anyway… congratulations, you’re a real man. And I guarantee it will worth it. 100%.
But, where to start? There are different ways to meet Serbian women and each of them comes with a set of advantages and drawbacks.
The best way to meet Serbian women is to go for a popular online dating site like this one. This is what I use and I am able to find some amazing women here.
Why is it so easy? First, because the competition is way lower than anything else. It’s a premium site with a monthly fee, so not a lot of people are ready to commit.
BUT if you DO commit, the ladies on the platform will already know you’re serious about this and not just there to waste their time.
The even better part? All the women registered there are actively looking for a date. You can’t go wrong, even though this might sound so old school and impossible to work.
So do yourself a favor and check that website out. It will change your life and dating experiences forever.
Best part? You can start the hunt even before you get to Serbia, so you already have a girl waiting for you when you get there. Ideal!
The Classic Night Game
Nightlife in Belgrade is not the best in the world (as some travel outlets would have you believe), but it is definitely pretty good considering the size of the city.
I believe the hype for Belgrade as a party city comes from the fact that it’s the one thing that defines the city’s entertainment offerings: there simply isn’t much else to do at night (big lack of concerts, theater plays and other high level cultural offerings such as a night at the opera).
At night in this city, you can either party or sleep.
Now, when it comes to nighttime venues, a visitor has two main options: Serbian Venues and International Venues.
Serbian Venues are the more challenging places because they’re all about locals meeting locals and sometimes the logistics are insanely stupid. For starters, you always have to reserve a spot (for free!) even if you don’t sit at a table.
Once you make it to the club, you’ll instantly feel like an octopus in a garage. You’ll be the odd one out.
The first time I hit a purely Serb venue I was with an American friend, and the security staff pretty much asked us ‘Why would you ever want to come here?’.
It is surprising, because inside a Serbian Venue there are beautiful (insanely beautiful) girls, loud music and no oxygen.
The problem is that most of the girls don’t speak any English and if you can’t speak Serbian, it will be very difficult to make anything work. Also, it seems that most girls here are hairdressers, waitresses or gym instructors.
They will stay in the same spot wearing ridiculously high heels and short dresses and most of the time, they will prefer the local guys over you.
At least this was my experience – I’m not the most beautiful or high value person in a club, but I also never have problems finding at least something.
Not in a Serbian venue, though. Here, girls will consider Westerners not part of their culture and will prefer the local guys instead. Fair game to the ladies here and we can consider it their loss and move on.
But if you do want to give it a try, you can definitely find some truly hidden gems at Serb Style Venues (you get bonus points if you’re somehow in group with locals): River, Hot Mess, Club Hill or Bar Teatro. (These are all in Belgrade, by the way)
But the easiest way for your night game is to go for International Venues instead. Here, you will meet women who enjoy the company of foreigners – along with a less homogeneous crowd in general.
If I had to recommend one Splav (summer club on the river) and one only, that’d be Shlep.
The crowd is laid back and ratios are good (to be fair, ratios in any Belgrade club are pretty good because men who don’t have money don’t get the option to ‘tag along’ and get free drinks from guys like women do).
Povetarac is a very similar splav, even more geared towards foreigners. A lot of pub crawls in the city end here so it’s probably the best place to get a one night stand.
I picked up a Macedonian girl here, for example – so the crowd is very diverse and I’d say even unlikely to find actual Serbian girls here. Depending on your plans and desires, this could be a pro or a con.
Important note for any club you choose: If you want to get numbers and dates – you’ve got to dance. Pure and simple.
Be social, enjoy your time and dance your best moves off – that’s the fail proof recipe to get Serbian women interested in you when you’re at a club.
Day Game Rate of Success in Serbia
Women will be open to approaches and respond well (even the ones with boyfriends or the ones who aren’t interested) when it comes to day game.
Since their men are very alpha but lack any sense of romanticism and seduction, Serbian women will be intrigued by your courage to walk up and talk to them.
The main areas to daygame in will be Knez Mihailova Street in Belgrade (with some hot PR girls to vibe with and build your state), Republic Square (careful with girls waiting for their boyfriends there) and Kalemegdan fortress.
I am talking about Belgrade here because this is where I spent my time, but approaching Serbian women directly on the street, as long as there are other people around so they don’t feel threatened works really, really well.
By the way, if you’re curious to learn just how crazy cheap this city is, read my article about the cost of living in Belgrade.
It’s more difficult for men to do it, but if you have no problems with it – go for it. Chances are you will find better girls than those in clubs as the offer is simply bigger.
As a side note, young girls will respond way better than their older counterparts. Of course, you do have to be close in age – don’t try to be that gross old dude that tries to approach girls in their 20s if you are 35+.
(Yes, I know, you’re not a “gross old dude” at 35 – that’s my age now, but you get the point: target ladies that are about the same age as you are, plus/minus 5 years)
Meeting Serbian girls online
Tinder in Belgrade is quite a weak option so I can’t bring myself to recommend it. If you decide to give it a go, make sure you build a cocky profile that showcases sports, family/friends and money.
The competition is also insane and those Serbian dudes are buffed and good looking. So if you’re not at least that, chances are you’ll have a tough time on Tinder.
Foreigners don’t seem to get any advantage as in most other countries in Eastern Europe, so it’s better to look for options.
The best option that I found is this premium dating site. As I said before, it has way fewer men competing for attention AND the ladies there are actively looking for a date and they’re not really the Tinder type.
This is an advantage in my books – especially if you want something more than a single night-fling (which are difficult to get anyway).
Definitely choose the online website route instead of Tinder, especially if you’re not particularly good looking AND very fit.
Serbian Women – What are they like?
If women were a wild animal, I think it’s safe to say Serbian girls would be almost on top of the food chain.
The simplest way to describe Balkan girls in general and Serbian girls in particular, in a very generalist way, would be beautiful and fiery.
Think of what Spanish and Italian women would be like if they worked out more often and had avoided too many western-style cheeseburgers. Beautiful body, mysterious and intoxicating – but only for those men who deserve it.
Physically, the average Serbian girl is a step up from the women you’ll find in western countries, in my opinion. Let’s analyze them step by step:
1. First impression
At first glance, you’ll notice most Serbian girls are brunettes (both light and darker brown hair are typical).
There are some blondes here and there, but they’re hardly the norm – this is a big difference from Slavic countries with Russian girls and Ukrainian women.
I’d estimate natural blondes only make about 10-15% of the female Serbian population.
Redheads are very rare and I believe that most that I have seen were not naturals. Not that it matters too much, but interesting to note.
Most Serbian women have brown and hazel eyes, though there are quite a few deep-green eyed beauties and a decent number of blue eye pairs.
Again, very different from countries like Lithuania or Poland where blue eyes are the norm.
Skin tones are darker than what you’ve come to expect of average Eastern European women – the amount of sun they get combined with some the ottoman genes means Serbian girls tend to get a golden tan quite easily in the summer months.
Something interesting I noticed was that tanned girls acted quite confident and had an explosive kind of attractiveness – while pale girls fell more on the “delicate beauty” side and acted more shy, in submissively feminine way. Could be a coincidence, of course.
In short, the first impression one gets when facing a Serbian girl is: “Wow, a WOMAN”. That alone is probably a welcome change from what most of us are used to.
2. Facial Features of Serbian Women
Serbian women are naturally rather cute, but they don’t reach the level of Ukrainian and Russian women when it comes to facial beauty.
Still, most women have pretty faces and have a trump card over Slavic girls: their faces are extremely expressive and Serbian girls can actually use their facial expressions to communicate.
That’s something many men (myself included) find uniquely attractive, as it’s a really welcome departure from both the fake grins and pouting faces so commonly seen in western millennial girls, and also from the (hardly natural and rather robotic) control Slavic women keep over their beautiful faces and expressions.
That being said, I have something to say to Serbian women: you are way more attractive when you keep a low, natural-looking amount of makeup on.
Please stop covering your faces with superficial beauty products (especially when you can’t buy the quality products), and finding inspiration for your eyebrows in over the top movies from the 80s.
3. Body expectations
I’ll be short and sweet here: Serbian women generally have very fit bodies and take pretty good care of themselves by eating right and exercising.
They are not short at all but they’re also not too tall and clunky like other women (cough Holland cough). However, they are used to dealing with really tall guys – Serbian men are damn towers generally.
But yes, Serbian ladies still have that toned, naturally fit or worked out body. It’s a pleasure to look at them!
4. The personality of Serbian women
Here comes a tricky one. I’m opting to write this down as a list so I can make sure I don’t overlook anything as there is, obviously, a lot to discuss.
- Serbian girls are friendly and approachable: It’s very rare to be completely shut off by a woman when you’re simply being social with them. There can be some exceptions to the rule in packed nightclubs, but that’s to be expected.
- Serbian women are feminine and they appreciate straightforward masculinity.
- They tend to be honest and faithful when dealing with men and relationships.
- Serbian women are quite cultured and speak very good English in general – though if you can say a few Serbian phrases they’ll love you for it.
- In addition to that, they are used to working lackluster jobs while studying, so their inherently female sense of entitlement is somewhat softened and most of them don’t act like spoiled princesses.
- Serbian girls are naturally social, and will not hesitate to introduce you to new people (and other girls).
- Serbian women are very invested and give their best when it comes to the more intimate parts of a relationship.
- Despite not being princesses, Serbian girls believe it is a man’s duty to maintain a woman. This means you’ll have to pay when on dates and opens the gate for possible gold diggers to fly under the radar. As a foreigner, you will be judged on your short term provider potential.
- Even if they truly enjoy Woohooing, Serbian women are pretty conservative and will not be easy.
- Serbian girls are inconsistent, flaky and extremely unpredictable. They are the true embodiment of female slavery to their short-term emotions. I ended up accepting the fact but it was a painful process – not for the faint of heart.
- As a foreigner, you are out of luck with a good 30% of the women, who only date local men. Yup, it seems that Serbia is one of the few Eastern European countries where being from the West (including or especially the US) is NOT a big advantage.
A Deeper look into Belgrade and the Serbian Culture in General
Landlocked within the Balkan region, Serbia is the most important country of what used to be the Yugoslavian Republic.
Belgrade sits right in the middle of the country , and without getting deep into geography or history, here’s a few things any traveler ought to know.
- 5 million people in Belgrade, give or take. Every year, those who have the chance to migrate to richer western countries pack their bags without much hesitation. However, young Serbians from other regions of the country flock to the capital because it’s pretty much the only place where “stuff happens” – so the population doesn’t vary much.
- Decently hot summers and mild winters: temperature on your average August day will be in the 80-90s (ºF), while a typically chilly January day will range between 20ºF and 45ºF.
- No beaches anywhere close: Serbians usually travel to Montenegro to enjoy the coastal experience (Croatia poses another realistic option for them, but there’s a deep hatred of the Adriatic country due to very recent armed episodes between Serbia and Croatia – more on the effects of this later).
- Not part of Schengen, nor part of the EU (although there are plans or at least talks for them to join EU at the very least, sometime in the future).
- Air connections leave much to be desired: there isn’t a great offer of cheap flights to get either in or out of the country, but it’s better than in other small cities.
Speaking of which, if you happen to be in Belgrade, make sure to check out my list of the best hotels close to the Belgrade airport.
Who Should Visit Belgrade
Ever since I got back from my 5 week experience in Belgrade, lots of people have asked me whether they should visit or not.
Depending on the type of person who asks, my answer is always either ‘Hell yeah’ or ‘Hell no’ – there is no in between.
Because of how Serbian society works, Belgrade is a city that works much better for social butterflies than introverts.
Even if you’re more of an extrovert, cracking the local way of connecting with each other will require you to pick up on social cues and to deal with everyone you encounter in an authentic and honest way.
One of the biggest issues I’ve seen in guys coming from English-speaking countries is the following: they simply can’t connect with the Eastern European way of living and communicating and end up coming across as autistic dudes.
I don’t mean this as an insult either. Simply put: countries with a southern, Mediterranean culture (think Spain, Italy, Greece etc.) differ from Anglo countries in the way people socially relate to each other.
From personal experience living in countries like the UK and the US, I learned most social interactions there have a heavily transactional feel to it.
Imagine a club in most western countries. A guy who starts an interaction with other men there is usually either trying to impose himself as looking cool, or simply trying to leech value from them (objective: accessing the women in their group or acquiring information about the environment).
This is simply not the style in cities like Belgrade, and people (men and women alike) can smell it from miles away. You will not get far in Serbian social circles if you’re not authentic and honestly enjoy connecting with people.
Demeaning other men, acting all hard and macho or treating others as if you were superior to them (yes, this includes bartenders) is not the way to go.
Fail to pick up on social cues and establish genuine connections and you’ll be left wondering if social circles require black magic to crack.
That wraps up this article on Serbian women – hope you enjoyed it. If you’ve got questions about Belgrade, Serbia, or Serbian women, drop them in the comments below.
But you should know by now everything there is to be known about women in Serbia and what it’s like to date one, as well as how to better prepare to make an impression and make her yours.