I just got some exciting news from Mediavine: the company is launching Journey by Mediavine, a new ad management solution for sites that don’t qualify for Mediavine yet.
In order to qualify for Journey by Mediavine you will need at least 10,000 monthly sessions AND the Grow plugin installed. I have just applied with two of my blogs – and I will share below everything you need to know about Journey, and step by step instructions to join.
Here’s what you should know about Journey by Mediavine
This new ad management solution is provided by one of the best-known and most appreciated companies in the world of blogging – Mediavine.
It will allow you to monetize your website using Mediavine’s technology, which is expected to result in higher earnings compared to AdSense (and potentially other ad networks like Ezoic or SheMedia).
Note: I am actually very happy with SheMedia too, as I have one of my websites enrolled there. You can read my SheMedia review here.
How does Journey by Mediavine work? Well, like any other ad management network, it will pair your website with others on the network and sell your ad space to publishers who will pay more for the views.
But how exactly will you implement Journey is not clear – Mediavine only said that it will be “self-service” for those who already run the company’s other product, Grow. So let’s see how to apply for this new ad network!
Related reading: Read my GeneratePress Premium review to learn about a blazing fast WordPress theme that increases your chances to get more visitors to your blog. Or just check out the theme here.
Here’s how to apply for Journey by Mediavine
The first step is to visit Mediavine’s Grow Page and install it on your website. This is a mandatory step for those who want to apply!
Grow is an amazing tool that allows you to increase user engagement, collect emails (and send emails to your list), plus a lot more. I have been using it on all of my websites and you can see it at work on Nomad Not Mad too: the recommended articles in the sidebar, at the top, at the bottom, as well as the subscribe box and social sharing.
After creating your account on Grow and installing it on your website, things will be pretty straightforward. Just log in to Grow again and click the big banner that invites you to apply, as seen in the screenshot below:
After clicking that button, you will be taken to a new page where you will have to select your country (where you/your business is located) and then hit the “Apply To Journey” button:
After I submitted by application, I received the confirmation message that they’re monitoring the website and they’ll let me know if I get accepted (it takes up to 30 days). I will update this article when that happens:
I was actually expecting to be able to skip the waiting period since I already had Grow installed on my websites, so they probably have the data they’re looking for.
But with the Google updates rolling and devastating traffic left and right, they’re probably also waiting to see who stays alive at the end.
Either way, for smaller publishers who ran AdSense ads only (maybe also other smaller Ad Networks), Journey by Mediavine seems like manna from heaven. Especially today, with all the aforementioned Google updates rolling.
Let me know what you think about Journey by Mediavine and whether or not you’re planning to apply. Also, if you have any questions, ask them below and I will answer the best I can.
Have either of those site been accepted? I’d love to know how your experience has been and I’m curious to know what the RPM looka like (in comparison to Mediavine).
Unfortunately, still on the waiting list (the Google Updates didn’t help my cause at all!). From what I saw from others, though, the RPMs are much lower than Mediavine’s, but higher than AdSense alone.