Romanian Girls Guide: Why Are They Different from Other Eastern European Women?

Romanian girls are not exactly the first that pops to mind when you think of Eastern Europe. Maybe Ukraine, maybe Poland… but Romania remains largely ignored by lovers of all things Eastern Europe. Which is a pity.
But I am not blaming you. Romanian girls are not like other Eastern European women – and today’s guide to women in Romania will get in depth analyzing them.
So what exactly makes women in Romania so different? What makes them so special and how can you meet a Romanian lady?
We’ll talk about this today! But first…
Romanian vs Eastern European Looks
Girls in Eastern Europe try harder when it comes to their looks. This is true for both Slavic and Romanian women. Both are naturally gorgeous but they also put a lot of effort to look their best at all times.
Romanian girls tend to be darker than other Eastern Europeans. If you usually associate Eastern European women with blonde hair and blue eyes, Romanians are generally brunette with darker eyes.
Also, Romanian women usually have light brown to olive skin which gives then an exotic, Latin look. Which makes sense, as Romanians do have Latin roots!
Romanian women often go blonde though. Thankfully, fashion has been shifting toward more natural hues, but these days you’ll see everything from fancy purple hair styles to pink and blue and everything in between.
The days of platinum blonde hair and black eyebrows are over. Which makes Romanian girls all the more attractive.
When it comes to facial structure, Romanians have larger features. Think Penelope Cruz or Sophia Loren (in her youth), not Taylor Swift.
Almost all Romanian girls have big, almond-shaped eyes and full lips. Romanian women are on the curvier side, too.
They are not as frail and girlish as their Slavic counterparts. Although, they do work hard at the gym to keep fit so they are generally not fat either. You will see that most of them actually look really fit and even buffed!
Romanian Women Are Beautiful
This is universal throughout Eastern Europe. Women here work harder to look good. They do their hair, put make-up on, wear flattering clothes, get their nails done, tan, never miss their cosmetologist appointments, etc.
Romanian girls favor more revealing, body-hugging styles of clothes than Slavic ones. They are also edgier in their sense of style.
Bright red lipstick is not uncommon on the streets of Bucharest (or anywhere in Romania), and neither are other bold choices.
In the gym, Romanian women emphasize strength, rather than slimness. They aren’t big on diets but they do work out a lot. Most are the perfect mixture of curvy and toned.
How to meet Romanian women?
The best way to go, is an old school online website dedicated to this. With over 1,000 Romanian ladies signed up here (at the moment of writing this article), this is definitely your best and easiest bet to meet them:
Sure, if you are already in Romania and are more hookup oriented (although you’ll find plenty of options on IC above too), Tinder is still going strong in Romania – larger cities at least.
But if you sign up for International Cupid, you get a bunch of advantages over all other means of meeting the women here.
For starters, way less competition. You won’t be swiping together with tens of thousands of other people, trying to get a lady’s attention. No, there are fewer males competing to stand out.
Also, since this is a dating website, all women here are actively looking for a relationship. This takes the guessing out of the questions: yes, she would like to meet you (if she does answer).
Not to mention the fact that the premium part of the website comes with two extra advantages: first, you have fewer scammers and fake profiles as they’re actively removed (and profiles verified).
Second, you do show her that you have the financial means to afford this. While it’s not a fortune, it sends a strong message and does count as an advantage.
As I said – my favorite way of meeting Romanians, with heaps to choose from and very high success rates. Visit the site here now!
How are Romanian girls in a relationship?
Eastern European people get married early. Romanians, too, but not that early. Most girls only consider settling down after they get a degree, and perhaps get started on a career. Unlike Russians, who are still happy to marry young.
Since Romanian girls get into serious relationships later in life, they are not the party enthusiast wives you might expect.
Granted, Romanians love fun but settling down usually means you have your craziest years behind you.
Russian and Ukrainian girls, on the other hand, are notorious for their love of the party scene, even after marriage.
The other thing that makes long-term relationships with Romanian girls different is their willingness to move out.
Eastern European girls, in general, are often happy to relocate for love. With Romanians, you would be hard-pressed to find a woman that will not consider it.
Two very obvious reasons for that:
- Long-term equals absolute commitment for Romanian girls.
- The country is not doing so well economically. Moving abroad means choosing a better life for herself and her future children.
However, take an important tip here: your dollar will take you a lot further in Romania too, so you moving here might also be an option.
Romania is not that bad to live in (on the contrary!) and your money will be worth more here. So, yes, consider this option too!
Romanian girls are independent
Romanian girls are raised to be independent. They value education and work hard on building a career. The gold-diggers and aspiring trophy wives are an exception, definitely not the rule.
In a typical Romanian family, both partners work full-time. Grandparents are usually around to watch the kids. If not, there is daycare for 8 hours every day – although not free.
This is the family model that Romanian girls grew up with. These fierce females will not expect you to provide while they watch soap operas and get their nails done.
These are strong, independent woman and it’s really nice to be around them.
Romanian Girls Are Caring, Too
Romanian women have a life of their own. But that does not mean they are not caring and devoted to their partners and families.
Romania has a very couple-friendly culture. Date night is a must, even after kids, and so is looking pretty for your husband. There might be some exceptions but most Romanian women will never let themselves go.
They are also, in general, devoted to their partner. While they’re not generally submissive, they do like to please their partner and make him feel good. This, of course, extends to much more than the action in the bedroom!
Have I Told You About That Cuisine…
Here is a confession:
At first, I hated Romanian food with passion.
It was weird, the textures were funky, I did not recognize most of the products used, not to mention it all smelled a little too unusual for my liking and it was generally all meat and fat. All that seemed… strange.
And I wasn’t the only one.
Before my first trip to Romania, a buddy warned me that ‘You will love the place, and hate the food. Bring Oreos in bulk if you don’t want to starve’. Although Romanians actually think the opposite.
I am now a reformed Romanian food hater. Get yourself a Romanian girlfriend and you can be one, too.
You can’t get a real feel of what Romanian cuisine is like in a restaurant. Homemade will always be light years ahead.
Lucky for you, Romanian women are also caring girlfriends and wives. You will never be without Mămăligă and Sarmale, Pilaf, or Tochitură, and pork stew ever again.
Yes, you will eat lots of meat – but it will be delicious. Even if you’re not the biggest meat lover (I am not one!), Romanian food will grow on you. Even if you don’t like it at first, you’ll love it in the end.
And the local wine here is not only cheap, but also delicious. All locals seem to have that “amazing, home made wine” but I didn’t really feel it. However, the Romanian wine I bought from the store was truly delicious!
Just make sure that you ask her what her gym is – you’ll need to visit too after all this delicious food!
Now, if you’re still here and want to actually learn more about Romanian girls and their origins – and other “boring” stuff, do read on. Otherwise, you can simply hop over to International Cupid and start talking to Romanian ladies today!
Panslavism (Or A Fancy Way To Say ‘I Love My Tribe’)
I don’t know how familiar you are with ethnic groups in Eastern Europe and the Balkans.
Judging by the game shows I have seen Stateside (which are way more than anyone should see), not too familiar. Basically, Slavs are the major ‘tribe’.
Technically speaking:
Slavs are an Indo-European ethno-linguistic group, who speak various Slavic languages of the Balto-Slavic language group.
That is from Wikipedia. They first appeared in written history around the 6th century. They probably came from somewhere in Eastern Europe/Western Asia.
We only learned about them when the Germanic tribes started migrating. Slavs settled at those abandoned lands fleeing the Huns and their allies.
When the Byzantines realized they have a bunch of people at the border, it was a bit too late. The Slavs were there to stay.
Modern-day Slavic people are:
- Russians
- Belarusians
- Ukrainians
- Poles
- Czechs
- Slovaks
- Slovenes
- Bulgarians
- Serbians
- Croatians
- Bosnians
- Montenegrins
- Macedonians (although there are still those who dispute the Macedonian people are even separate)
Romanians are not on that list. They speak a Romance language and are ethnically different.
When Pan-Slavism came about during the 19th century, it emphasized the common heritage and values of Slavic people. The Balkans were the main focus, as Slavs there were still oppressed.
Sadly, Pan-Slavism failed Slavs in the Balkans big time. Both the Russian Empire and the Soviet Union used it as a political tool. There are many examples of atrocities that happened thanks to that.
The creation and existence of Yugoslavia (and it’s consequent separation which claimed thousands of lives) is one of them. Either way, that is an entirely different article.
Romanians vs Slavs
Slavic people, love it or hate it, have had the tendency of sticking together. Romanians are not included in that.
Although cultures have fused together and theirs has a lot of Slavic features, Romanians are still a separate ethnic group with a different language and heritage. Or, to quote Wikipedia once again:
The Romanians are an Romance ethnic group native to Romania that share a common Romanian culture, ancestry, and speak the Romanian language.
The most obvious difference between Romanian girls and other women in Eastern Europe is the language.
If anything, you will have it much “easier” if you try to learn Romanian. It is very similar to Spanish, French, and Portuguese. I hope you are lucky enough to have learned at least one of these.
Where Did Romanians Come From?
So I gave you a pretty extensive origin story for Slavic people but they are not even the subject of this article. How did Romanians end up on the Balkan peninsula? Well, there are two theories.
The Daco-Roman continuity theory says they come from the ancient Dacians, which inhabited these lands before the Romans came to conquer.
These indigenous tribes were Romanized and eventually morphed into what is now known as Romanians. This would make Romanians one of the oldest nations on the peninsula.
The south-of-the-Danube origin theory says it wasn’t the Dacians at all. It goes that Romans moved northward across the Danube river into modern-day Romania.
These ancestors were a combination of Romans and Romanized peoples of Illyria, Moesia and Thrace. In other words, not locals.
Finally, there is genetics. Surprisingly enough, Romanians are not as genetically different to their Slavic neighbours as it may seem at first. This genetic affinity is not reflected in the language, though.
In other words, Romanian girls may look like Slavic girls, but don’t you dare equate their culture to Slavic culture.
What do you think makes Romanian girls different? Have you dated one, or maybe are you currently with a Romanian? Give us all the details in the comments below.