The Dark Side of Danish Girls
Not all Danish girls are the same. That goes for girls and people in any country. of course. But don’t expect to always be able to find your next Josephine Skriver here!
Today, I am sharing the little-known facts about Denmark’s female population (including a bunch of risky to say truths). Hopefully, this doesn’t rub you the wrong way. But hey:
People deserve to know!
And fortunately, not all girls are like this. You just need to be careful and watch for the signs, because it’s easy to spot these riskier girls to be with.
The Big On/Off Switch with Danish Girls
In Denmark, there is no such thing as flirting or seduction. Attraction is either on or off. It goes from 0 to 100 real quick with Danish girls. Or it doesn’t go at all.
One second she could be full-on ignoring you, the next she’ll be over at your side of the bar, gently stroking your hand and being all yours.
What the actual…?
The thing is, Danish culture is not all about friendship, warmth, and hygge. Sure, it’s nice to think of it this way. I assure you, Danes are every bit as cold, reserved, and straightforward as any other Nordic country.
They are a wealthy nation and they live well but when it comes to social life, I would much rather stay at a poor South American country or somewhere in South Asia. People seem to appreciate wholehearted fun there more than anywhere else in the world.
I am not trying to be extra negative. I’ll just say it as it is:
Flirting is not really a thing in Denmark.
This could, however, work for you. If you are the type to have good game skills (which you should be), Danish girls are easily impressed.
Just remember that these ladies are independent and even feminist. Anything that could be read as even slightly misogynist is a deal-breaker. That’s a good thing, in my opinion – men have acted as pigs for too long, it is time for a change!
You Are Always Walking On Thin Ice
Like it or not, social justice warriors are everywhere in Denmark. Not even the obscene amounts of alcohol at the clubs will dull a Danish woman’s political correctness.
Unfortunately, for you, this means picking up Danish girls is like gambling. Sometimes you get lucky and impress her. Other times, you say the exact same thing and she is shocked to her very core.
How dare you!
I wish I could give you solid advice on avoiding this. Sadly, it’s just about the numbers.
Try your luck with many girls – some will be thrilled to talk to you (and then more), others will shoot you a dirty look and walk away dramatically.
One thing is for sure:
Don’t bother with grand gestures.
Even dating is considered a ‘grand gesture’ in Denmark. People here sleep around all the time.
Chances are your Danish crush’s body count is way over 20. It’s not a bad thing, necessarily. Experience improves skills, in the end. And it’s not like men are allowed to, but ladies not. Come on!
However, “good girls” in Denmark, in the traditional sense, are difficult to be found. Most of them have some life experience and it’s absolutely normal. So, don’t judge! This is how things are.
But the bottom line is: when it comes to seduction and dating, know that even the bare minimum can do.
Because her attraction to you is an on/off switch, it’s a matter of getting lucky and finding a gal that’s turned on (pun completely intended). If she likes you, she won’t play hard to get or anything.
And I have to admit that I totally appreciate this. Why go through the trouble of flirting your night away, just to be told, at the end, that she’s not interested. Many women in many parts of the world would do this… but not the ones in Denmark.
So there are always positives, despite the apparent negatives!
No Danes Are Dating?
This was the most shocking thing to me in Denmark. First off, there are very few couples. Especially in your 20’s, the single life is the norm.
It helps that education is free in Denmark and most women are in university for a decade.
People settle down later in life, that’s for sure. Until then, it’s usually parties and drinking. Actually, it’s not uncommon in Denmark to see a girl accept to go to your place first, and then consider a relationship.
It’s basically the normal process turned upside down! But, at least you know you’re compatible.
If you’re interested in that, sure, try it out. In a lot of cases, though, it would not even be an option for you. Danish girls value their independence far too much to get stuck in a relationship too early.
Sleeping around is acceptable for both genders in Denmark. You do not, by any means, need to pretend to be faithful to your casual fling.
Open relationships are very common: just make sure you’re both on the same side. It’s not like ALL people there are like this.
This is not a one-way thing. Danish men are equal to females, not superior (as it should be everywhere in the world).
So don’t expect to be allowed to do things she’s not. Also, don’t just assume that anything and everything is allowed. Be open about it and understand what goes and what doesn’t.
If not sure – an open discussion will clear things out. This is how things go in a healthy relationship or whatever you want to call it.
So Where Do You Take Danish Girls on Your First Date?
Straight to your hotel or Airbnb is actually a great option. But if that’s a bit too much for you:
Coffee or drinks.
There are a bunch of cool hipster cafés in every Danish city. Copenhagen must have them by the dozen!
You don’t ask a girl out to a movie and dinner. You just meet up at a coffee shop, you chat for a little bit, and then head straight to your place.
And, once again, because of the whole ‘on/off’ attraction switch thing, you are going to know when it’s time to go. Alone, or together with her. She will decide.
Seriously, reading the signs could not be more obvious with Danish women. They don’t believe in excessive femininity or making you work for it.
When they are ready for it, they’ll let you know. Read the signs, as they won’t always directly tell you (although some times they will!).
By the way, yes, I agree that takes away some of the fun. On the bright side, you get to the next level faster than any other place in Europe.
Be thankful and don’t overthink it. If passion and seduction are what you want, Danish girls will disappoint, go to South America and meet a fiery Colombian woman or actively date foreigners in Denmark instead.
Conversation Topics for Dates
Here is a practical tip for you: don’t even go near social justice / political correctness land. When it comes to conversations with Danish girls, stick to the safe topics – or at least do so until you are confident you can tackle the more important ones.
Even if they are generally very much interested in feminism, humanitarian causes, and political justice topics, there are two things all Danish girls enjoy:
- Food
- Arts
For food, well, Denmark has some seriously delicious specialties. You are always safe talking about your favorite sweets, your country’s cuisine, that cool Copenhagen restaurant you recently checked out, etc.
By the way, if cooking is your forté, it could be major bonus points and help you land Denmark’s most beautiful girls.
A guy cooking for her is pretty much a Danish girl’s fantasy. Keep that just for very special ones, though.
As for the arts, this one is actually among the good things I have to say about Danish girls.
Because they are all very highly educated, Danish women have an appreciation for all things design, art, and architecture.
If you work in one of those fields, she will surely be impressed. Besides, Scandinavians are notorious for their love of design.
Older Danish Girls
To be honest, these should not be called girls. They are women. After 30, even progressive, super feminist Danes start looking around for a life partner.
Sadly, a decade of excessive drinking and casual relationships have not done them any favors.
So where do these women take it?
To the Internet.
I swear Tinder 30+ women are a treasure trove. They are so easy to meet and date! Sure, you won’t be getting any 10’s from that category, but they are still genuine ladies and nice to be around them.
If you want an actual relationship, older women are great for that, too but not from Tinder. Unfortunately, you can’t expect too much in terms of femininity and care.
She has never had to sustain a long-term relationship in her life. But this is also a fun part of the whole deal, in my opinion. She is willing to learn and that transitional phase is really good.
The best part is that Danish women are very smart and catch on quickly. At this age, they are perfect for getting into a relationship. Harder to find, so this is why we’re recommending an online platform like this one.
You’re getting past the Tinder free-to-use thing that can throw at you the weirdos and go for ladies that are actively interested in a relationship.
Think more long term at this point, though, They’re past their fooling around age! You should also know that there is more than Copenhagen when it comes to dating in Denmark.
I actually wrote an article about the best cities in Denmark to meet women and I strongly recommend checking it out.
What About Clubs?
The party scene is pretty cool in Danish cities. You can go to all sorts of different clubs, there are places to dance, bars with whimsical cocktails, chilled out shisha lounges, etc. The one thing that is lacking in Danish nightclubs:
Hot single women
The female to male ratio is ridiculous. 99% of the time you end up drinking with a bunch of dudes, wondering where the ladies at.
Paradoxically, though, the women you approach in night clubs are the easiest to hook up with. Some girls go out exclusively to meet a guy for an ONS.
The sausage fest aside, Danish clubs could be a good place for night game, provided that:
- You are prepared to talk to a bunch of girls, because, as usual, it’s a numbers game.
- You’re fine with a one-night stand with zero strings attached. Nightclubs are not where you meet your future Danish wife (especially considering how many Danish women have sworn off marriage altogether).
- You will avoid touchy subjects at all costs. Instead, talk about how much you like Denmark, Danish food, and Danish architecture. It strokes her ego and directs you to the aforementioned ‘safe topics’ for a civil conversation with a social justice warrior!
The Dark (And Smoky) Side Of Danish Bars
Danish bars are ridiculous. For such a progressive country, it’s stupid how they allow smoking in bars.
The average ‘singles bar’ is a sausage party where you barely see the (limited amount of) women through the smoke.
That’s why, as interesting as Danish bars can be – because of the design, funky drinks, weird concepts – I don’t really advise you to go there and pick up girls. It’s much better to stick to clubs or lounges (the shisha lounge type of place).
If you have to go to Danish bars, make sure you’re going with a large group. This way you can make friends with other large groups and hopefully get some girls this way.
If not, at least you had a decent night with your friends. But for solo or ‘you + one wing man’ purposes, do yourself a favor. Don’t go to the bars.
Oh, and a side note: the drinks are super expensive! You are much better off pre-gaming at home.
The Four-Day Rule
While the third date rule is outdated in Denmark, there is another unwritten rule you should know about:
No contact for four days.
After a date, no matter how far you got and even if you didn’t even touch hands, you have to wait four days before initiating contact. Danish girls live by that rule.
In my humble opinion, that’s because they are so obsessed with looking strong and independent.
An independent woman has her own life. By not contacting you, she is showing you that you’re not that essential to her after all.
The four-day rule is not exclusive to Denmark. There are tons of girls that follow it in the US as well. The difference for Danish girls is that it carries additional significance.
Equal partnership is super important to them. By doing the whole four-day no contact thing, they are sort of ‘asserting dominance in the relationship’.
The best way to deal with all of this?
Play along!
You also wait four days before hitting her DM’s up. Once you do, you act fun and casual and leave her wondering whether you’ve been seeing other girls.
The point of the four-day rule is to show your potential partner that you don’t need them.
As crazy as that is, it’s a game for girls and guys alike. Equality, y’all!
Danish Girls: The Verdict
Here is the thing: I DO like Danish girls. Some of them are gorgeous (those Vikings had a great taste in women). Everybody is super liberated. You don’t have to deal with clinging or awkward situations.
On the flipside, you do have to deal with strong opinions and social justice warrior stuff. Most Danish girls have grown up in a hyper-liberal society. They come with an innate sense of superiority.
Denmark is the most amazing place on Earth if you ask them, and every single country should do as Denmark does. They would make subtle remarks by your own home country, your lifestyle, and your views everywhere.
To top that all off, Danish girls are among the most promiscuous in Europe. They would jump in bed with anybody that they feel attracted to.
There is no seduction, no flirting, and no games. There is a certain satisfaction in getting what you want with no fuss…
But at the same time, dating Danish girls can be joyless and feel like the same thing over and over again. You meet up, go for drinks, chat for a bit, direct the conversation somewhere more taboo, go back to your place (or hers). It gets old.
If you’re looking for a relationship with a Danish woman, you might find that online… that’s your bet approach. The sad reality is, some Danes aren’t even doing relationships anymore. But there’s still plenty who do.
To every rule, there is an exception, of course. Go find it and report back your adventures!
Did we miss some top secret technique for getting Danish girls addicted to you? I highly doubt it but still, if I’m wrong, share your secrets ASAP. You’ll be helping out a lot of guys…
Nice and lovely girl
I like to stay in Denmark
I’m looking to marry one of them…