Dating Culture in India: Tips for Western Men

India is a country that fascinates people from all over the globe and one of the main charmers here are undoubtedly the women.
The dating culture in India, however, is different from what people in Western countries are accustomed to, and this is what we’re talking today: what foreigners should know about dating in India.
Don’t worry, though: these differences are the things that add more spice to the overall charm of India, and of being in a relationship with an amazing Indian woman. Speaking of which – make sure to read everything about Indian girls in my previous article.
So let’s head on and check out some must know things about the dating culture in India. There are certain nuances that you must know before making your dating experience more fruitful and enjoyable.
There are also some potholes to avoid and some things that you must be aware of to have lesser misunderstanding with your lady and her entourage.
If you need extra help to make sure that you do score the date, learn everything about flirting from Marni by clicking here. She’s the #1 dating expert offering the best advice and tips on how to win a woman’s heart. She will change your life, especially if the dating scene is not your strong point.
1. Your First Date in India
When you finally venture in real meet-ups, take note that no matter how close you have become online, the initial face-to-face dates will be with “chaperones” whether they be a friend, group of friends, or family members.
This is quite usual as “just the two of you” on a first date is not appropriate in many places and for many families.
You may find sometimes that your girl is willing to go by herself but if you would like to see the relationship proceed into a more serious one, we advise against pressuring her to do so. You do not want her to bear the stigma of being a “playgirl”.
Remember that India is still very traditionalist in the dating area (and not only) – even in the larger, more modern cities.
Even more, even if your lady is very open minded and doesn’t care too much about the old ways, she might still be forced to behave and, at least publicly follow the traditional rules in order not to be stigmatised.
So for your first date, don’t go with high expectations in terms of what will happen next. In most cases, it’s not the prelude to something more serious – at least not that night!
Note: To make it even easier for you to meet Indian girls looking for relationships, check out this website. It’s the best online dating site for meeting ladies in India, even if you’re not in the country yet!
2. Be Thoughtful but Not Excessive
The Indian culture prides itself on upholding the value of money. Lavish gifts and excessive outings are not encouraged.
You might be viewed as a spendthrift – that is not a good reputation for you in front of her family and friends.
Even in those big Indian weddings, the parents pride themselves on the fair costs they can get on great goods and services. But let’s not get ahead of ourselves yet and think about weddings, right?
If you are a foreigner, it would be hard to justify huge expenses. Instead, ask your Indian girl on tips what to gift to family members on special occasions.
If you need to give her a token, make sure that you know what she wants and work within reasonable boundaries.
Even if everything in India seems so cheap to you – after all, it’s one of the cheapest countries in the world – it’s best to play it safe. There are other ways to impress your lady and her family!
3. Lay Off the Social Media Posting
Yes, we know, you can’t wait for the entire world – or at least your friends from home – to find out about your new Indian crush. But don’t rush to social media, especially not the public places that everybody can see.
Avoid posting your pics on social media and tagging your Indian girlfriend in places you’ve been to. This will open her to scrutiny to more conservative friends and relatives in her community.
Unless she openly publishes your relationship first, it is prudent to avoid putting her on the spot. You can still send private messages, after all!
4. Lay Off on the PDA (Public Display of Affection)
Just as there are limitations to dating, try to keep your affections to yourself when in public, also, not just when meeting the family.
Maybe tasteful holding of hands is permissible in some areas but in general, public displays of affection are discouraged. Even hand holding!
So prepare for that – and be ready to let your girl tell you what is allowed to do in public and what not.
This is mainly to protect your girl from getting told she behaves badly, which would reflect on her upbringing.
The last thing you would want is a slew of her male family members banging on your door in the middle of the night!
But seriously, you can show you care in discreet ways, like age-old chivalry. It still has its charm!
5. Meeting the family
Speaking of impressing her family – this is indeed something that you will have to do sooner rather than later.
Meeting your girl’s family will be one extremely important step in your relationship, taking place sooner than in other countries.
To put it bluntly, in most cases, she will actually need the approval of her family to keep seeing you.
And even though more modern girls can ignore that and follow a person they love even if their close ones won’t agree, it’s a lot easier if you can make an impression and charm everybody with your amazing personality.
When meeting her family, openly discuss with your partner what to do, what to say, what gifts to bring and especially what topics to stay away from.
Generally, you should present yourself respectably – well groomed, but not excessively so (you’re meeting the family, not going to a cocktail party!). Be casual in your topics and extremely polite.
Show your affection to the girl but without getting too touchy-feely and definitely without any kisses!
You have to prove to them that you are genuinely interested in the lady and not just potential action in her bedroom. Be charming and polite and you will get the blessing of the family, which will make things a lot easier for your relationship!
Despite its more traditionalist approach to the dating scene, India remains charming and the beauty and personality of its women make it easier for us to adapt to the new requirements.
You know now the most important pointers when it comes to dating Indian ladies – what to do and especially what not to do, so you’re as ready as you can get.
Take a deep breath, have faith in yourself, and get this going. It’s easier than it might seem at first!
And if it seems too much, maybe you want to look at other options. If that’s the case, I have a full guide to dating Thai women as a foreigner, or dating Indonesian women as a Westerner.